Morgantown Codes:

Town of Morgantown Ordinances and Code

Morgantown Ordinances:

2017-1 Regulation of operation of Golf Carts and Recreational Off Road Vehicles on Streets.

2017-2 Policy and Procedure for Utility Billing and Collection.

2018-3 Schedule of Rates & Charges for Sewage Works

2018-4 Town Properties Public Parks

2018-11 Amendment to Ordinance 2015-6: Enforcement of Speed Limits

2018-13 Weather Exception Parking Ordinance

2019-3 Regulating & Prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets/ Sections of Streets.

2019-5 Policy and procedure for Utility Billing Adjustments.

2019-8 Sewer Use Ordinance.

2019-9 Amendment of the Schedule of Rates and Charges of Morgantown Sewage Works.

2020-1 Amendment of New Connection Charge of the Town of Morgantown Water Utility and New Service Deposit for Water Utility & Sewage Works

2021-07 An Ordinance creating an Ordinance Violations Bureau.

Ordinance 2021-08 An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Ordinance 2015-04, The Morgantown Nuisance Ordinance

Amended Ordinance No. 2021-08 An Ordinance adding weeds and rank vegetation to the Morgantown Nuisance Ordinance.

Ordinance No. 2021-10 An Ordinance amending ordinance 2015-08 to allow limited residential open burning.

Ordinance No. 2022-01 An Ordinance of the Morgantown, Indiana Town Council electing to use ARPA Grand Funds to provide government services and adopting a plan or appropriation and distribution of those funds.

Ordinance No. 2022-02 An Ordinance amending the Town of Morgantown, Indiana zone map.

Ordinance No. 2022-04 An Ordinance amending the rates and charges for the Morgantown Water Utility.

Ordinance 2022-05 An Ordinance establishing a cash change fund.

Ordinance 2022-07 An Ordinance adopting purchasing and procurement requirements for Federal projects.

Ordinance No. 2022-08 An Ordinance prohibiting unlawful utility service and tampering with town utility systems and imposing penalties.

Ordinance No. 2022-09 An Ordinance amending the Town of Morgantown, Indiana Zoning Ordinance.

Ordinance or Resolution for Appropriations and Tax Rates: Ordinance/Resolution No. 2022-9

Ordinance 2023-01 An Ordinance amending the Town of Morgantown, Indiana, Zoning Ordinance.

Ordinance 2023-02 An Ordinance to reestablish a cumulative capital development fund and maximum tax rate.

Ordinance or Resolution for Appropriations and Tax Rates 10/2/23: Ordinance or Resolution No. 2023-4

Ordinance 2023-5 An Ordinance authorizing an additional appropriation for 2023.

Appendix A to Ordinance 2024-1

Ordinance No. 2024-1 An Ordinance amending the schedule of fees of the Town of Morgantown Water Utility.

Ordinance No. 2024-02 An Ordinance amending the Morgantown Town Code as it relates to the keeping of animals in the town.

Morgantown Resolutions:

Resolution 2023 – 1 Resolution authorizing and approving the town’s participation in INDOT 2023-1 Community Crossings Matching Grant Program and authorizing the council president to sign all related documents.

Resolution 2023-2 A Resolution expressing interest in purchasing land and structures and appointing appraisers.

Resolution 2023-3 Restatement of ADA and Title VI Compliance and Assurances Policy and Appointment of Coordinator.

Resolution 2023-04 Resolution authorizing and approving the town’s participation in INDOT 2023-01 Community Crossings Matching Grant Program and authorizing the Council President to sign all related documents.

Resolution 2023-05 A Resolution to amend the Morgantown, Indiana Zone Map.

Resolution 2023-06 A Resolution establishing policy by which member of the Morgantown, Indiana Town Councilman participate in meetings by electronic means of communication.

Resolution 2023-7 A Resolution to transfer funds within a department of the Town of Morgantown, Indiana.

Resolution 2023-08 A Resolution to amend the 2023 Morgantown Town Budget by reducing certain appropriations.

Resolution 2023-9 A Resolution authorizing an additional appropriation for 2023

Resolution 2024-01 Resolution of the Town Council of Morgantown, Indiana updating and adopting a capital improvement plan.

Resolution 2024-02 Resolution authorizing and approving the town’s participation in INDOT Community Crossings Matching Grant Program and authorizing the Council President to sign all related documents.

Resolution 2024-03 A Resolution authorizing additional appropriations for 2024.

Resolution 2024-04 A Resolution to transfer funds, for a prescribed period, to the Town’s Water Utility.

Resolution 2024-05 Signatory Authorization Resolution

Resolution 2024-6 Per Acceptance Resolution

Resolution 2024-08 A Resolution supplementing the town’s employment policy manual.

Resolution 2024-9 A Resolution expressing interest in purchasing land and structures and appointing appraisers.

Resolution 2024-10 A Resolution supplementing the town’s employment policy manual.

Resolution 2024-11 A Resolution creating a park and recreation fund.

Resolution 2024-12 A Resolution authorizing the sale of town property.

Resolution 2024-14 A Resolution of the Town of Morgantown, Indiana authorizing the submittal of the WDW Application to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs and addressing related matters.